Bud Bar Displays

Bud Bar Pod Displays

While Bud Bar Displays may have been conceived by happenstance, it is abundantly clear the company’s continued success should be attributed to its ability to evolve with the cannabis industry by introducing original and innovative […]


Cannabis, CBD and Vape Displays

15 Examples for More Effective Instore Merchandising Cannabis displays, CBD displays, and vape display cases face a common set of merchandising and marketing challenges. All involve relatively new products which are derived from commodity products. […]

Brush With Bamboo

Brush With Bamboo Simple Display Strategy

CLEAN MOUTH……..CLEAN CONSCIENCE One billion toothbrushes will be thrown away in the U.S. this year. Yes, that’s quite a lot of toothbrushes…….imagine what that number is on a global scale? Brush with Bamboo, the world’s […]

Dior Dreamskin Display

Dior Age-Defying Dreamskin Display

Dreamskin Perfect Skincare Back- and bottom-lighting provide added focus to this Dior Dreamskin Skincare Countertop Display as if eye-catching imagery was not enough. Much of this Dreamskin skincare line is “non-tinted” so no fear of […]

Durex Counter Display

Durex Display Performs On The Counter

Reckitt Benckiser recently partnered with Display Power to launch a new Durex counter display to help drive sales at the point of purchase. The tower-shaped display was injection molded using ABS plastic to help extend […]

Toadfish Display

Toadfish Display Helps Tipsy Shoppers

Non-Tipping Can Cooler How many times have you spilled a canned beverage accidentally? Happens to the best of us. Toadfish Outfitters has a solution to help prevent those pesky tip-overs….it’s called the Toadfish. From the […]