Pilot Lands In-Store With New Display

Pilot Pen Counter Display

Pilot Pen will be really flying in-store, thanks to this new display!

Enquiry Form – A permanent metal counter and shelf display unit for the Pilot Pen Permanent Marker range was the initial brief that we received from our Impulse POP website.

After a conversation with Pilot Pens’ Marketing Manager, we felt confident that we could come up with a design and price that would fit the brief required for this new display unit.


The Beginning

We were advised that this was going to be a competitive bidding process, with at least 3 other companies competing, so we knew that it would be a tough challenge for our creative and technical design teams.

Taking into account the important Pilot Pen brand guidelines, we looked to develop a range of creative visuals that would have the in-store impact needed.

The visuals were well received by the client at our design meeting, as were our preliminary material specification proposals that would ensure the permanency of the display. These ideas enabled us to progress to the prototype stage of the project.

Following a successful prototype presentation and a competitive price offering, we were advised that we had been awarded the contract.

The well-known Pilot Pen brand color and Permanent Marker pens required an impactful on-shelf and on-counter presence to illustrate the full range of 60 marker pens that are available. This was achieved by the use of steel fabricated units to ensure robustness in-store.

The displays are strongly branded with applied Pilot Pen vinyl covers and magnetic, updatable graphic panels to give flexibility to any future range update needs.

The Rollout

The first 100 x units will be sited in key stationery retail stores in the UK and we are already in discussions for the design and manufacture of further permanent counter and shelf display units for this and other Pilot Pen brands.



About Impulse Point Of Purchase

Working with Impulses’ team of experienced and knowledgeable designers, engineers and manufacturing personnel, we are confident that we can deliver what our clients want… Excellence in Retail!

Being a Full Service Provider is key to Impulses’ success and with a UK based manufacturing plant, Impulse is capable of supplying quickly and efficiently across a wide range of materials including metal, wood and acrylic. Impulse continues to build its reputation with major brands in key market sectors and works regularly with some of the most recognisable High Street Brands and Retailers.

Visit Impulse Point of Purchase to learn more – www.impulsepop.co.uk