Advances In Digitally Printed Packaging

Digitally Printed Packaging

We’ve been talking about the imminent upsurge in digitally printed packaging for what seems like ages. Now it finally feels as though the conditions are primed to realise the prophesy.Pioneering marketeers are demonstrating how digital can forge closer connections with consumers – at a time when bridging the First and Zero Moments of Truth has become crucial to maintaining a competitive edge. SKUs continue to proliferate, while runs and lead times continue to constrict.Meanwhile, advances in technology (more of which below) present the market with ever increasing capabilities over a range of packaging substrates, offering a more attractive economic proposition improved over a broader gamut of run lengths.

Connecting digital & physical

As Jose Gorbea (now HP EMEA Brand Owner, having moved from Mondelez) remarks, brands grow when they succeed in increasing penetration when they’re both physically and mentally accessible, and when their associated logos or…………

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